my ONE stream of income at age 25

Let's go over my 1 stream of income at age 25. I wanted to make this income stream video because I've been seeing a ton of income stream videos about how people are making $500 million from 37 different income streams. I think comparing yourself to these people is frankly quite unhealthy because these people are the exception to the rule.

Therefore, I wanted to let you know that it's okay to have 1 stream of income and it's okay to have 80 streams of income. As long as you are doing better than you were doing yesterday, that's all the really matter.

Stay until the end of my income stream video because I talk about a few actionable ideas that you can start with me on how to expand to multiple income streams easily.

Money Makers, remember like, sub & comment!

I post 2x a week about money, personal finance, and investing.

0:00 Introduction

0:43 Why I needed to make this video

2:02 Started from the bottom now we're here

3:54 My single stream of income

4:54 My plans on how I'll expand to multiple streams of income


📚 Helpful Resources:

▶︎ HIGHEST Online Savings Account (6.17% APY):

💰 BEST Checking Account (4.09% APY):

📊 Improve your CREDIT SCORE FAST

💳 BEST Index Funds

📈 Save $30,000 in TAXES 100% LEGALLY

💸 Friends Forever:

▶︎ Subscribe: Instagram: Budget Setup:

▶︎ 📷 Camera: 🎤 Mic: ONE stream of income at age 25

#vincentchan #moneyMakers


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I am not a financial advisor and my opinions reflect mine only and no other entities. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only and not intended as any financial advice, recommendations, suggestions etc. despite what is stated. You (and only you) are responsible for the financial decisions that you make.

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